How to Plant Bare Root Plants and When!
Congratulations! You’re probably here because you just received bare root plants, or are thinking about getting them! Either way, bare root plants are a great way to buy plants. Now you’re just left wondering how to plant bare root plants and when.

Raspberry planting for Early Spring and Summer! Double what you received!
How to plant and double your purchase.

Planting Bare Root Plants in the Summer!
All bare root trees, raspberry, blueberry plants should be started indoors. These are dormant plants and will not have leaves. No leaves no sun needed. The sun will dry out the stock and kill the plant. So plant them indoors for the first two weeks or until you see leaves develop. The plant cannot protect

Wasabi Planting Instructions
This plant is the perfect house plant. A plant that doesnt need direct sunlight. BUT, LOVE LED LIGHTING! Cultivation: In its natural habitat you will find Wasabi growing on the shaded wet banks of cold mountain streams. When grown in a home garden Wasabi does best in full shade with steady temperatures between 50-60°F, although

Planting Instructions Bare Root Blue Berry Plants
These need to be started indoors for the first two weeks. No direct sun for first week. Spring is the best time to plant blueberries, planting in fall is ok but is recommended to plant in containers. Blueberries need ridiculously acidic soil. Although most sources give a range of 4 to 5.5, they really don't like

Growing Strawberry Plants Hydroponically
Growing Strawberry Plants Hydroponically There are many forms of growing strawberry plants hydroponically. There are basically 6 variations that will include: Wick Water Culture Ebb and Flow Drip NTF Aeroponic There are hundreds of variations to the above hydroponic systems out there. Please add your input to help others on specific systems. The key to planting